Ma Zhong Nan of China has recently sought medical help after a horn began growing from his head five years ago. After carelessly injuring his head while brushing his hair, Ma started to notice a hard growth. Only recently when it began to itch did Ma’s children urge him to seek professional help. Unfortunately, the doctors he saw could not offer any explanation. Believe It or Not!
Have you ever seen a lumpfish? Pretty strange looking thing if you ask me. We hear it tastes like chicken...Believe It or Not!
This is Dede Koswara...he is known as the Treeman of Java, Indonesia. Believe It or Not! he is afflicted with the Human Papilloma Virus that got way out of control...(HPV...ya that is that the simple vaccination everyone is up in arms about). One day Dede cut his leg (on WHAT?!), and the next day a wart showed up and ultimately led to this. The warts have a "bark"-like texture, which led to the "TREEMAN" nickname. Oh, and it was much, much worse! In this photo, he is just OUT of surgery where he had 4 lbs off warts removed! Dede can now walk and hold a pen. He will have a few more operations and hopes to lead a normal life.
Baby Lali Singh of Saini Sunpura, India is being revered as the reincarnation of Hindu Goddess Durga. Lali was born with craniofacial duplication meaning she has two faces. Her father says she is doing well and is functioning like a normal child. She blinks all four eyes and drinks milk from both mouths! Believe It or Not!
An Australian girl is suffering from incurable Aquagenic Urticaria- an allergy to water. She has to stay out of the rain, she can’t go swimming, and has to stay home hours after a shower while her rash calms down. The allergy was a result of an aggravating dose of penicillin. Even sweating could make her break out in rash! Believe It or Not!
A 47-year-old woman in China discovered 10 mysterious springs implanted in her body. She visited the doctor, complaining of back pain. X-rays discovered five springs in her back, some of which grew together with the muscle and rusted, and another five in her waist, feet and even the top of her head. Doctors suggest it may have been part of her acupuncture therapy for epilepsy when she was nine, but specialists insist the springs are not used in acupuncture. Believe It or Not!
-actually dghan pa koy mga nakita na ani..pero kani sa for now kay kapoi napd ang uban..